District Conference 2019
District Awards: Celebrating the Work We Do

March 8 Submission Deadline

We are well along in our 2018-19 Rotary year! We have had time to adjust to our new positions and settle in for the remainder of the year, hence the purpose of this article.

As the 2018-19 District Awards Chair, It is my responsibility to keep all our District race teams “ON TRACK” and eligible for District awards. This means we validate that club tasks have been completed, inform the Club Presidents/DRIVERS when you have not fulfilled basic award requirements as a ROTARY CLUB/RACE TEAM so you take corrective action to complete the assigned task.

In accordance with the Governor's Citation, there are mandatory actions each D6900 Rotary Club Race Team must complete to qualify for the 2018-19 D6900 Governor’s Citation also known as the Governor’s Challenge Cup. Currently, 90% of our CLUBS and race teams qualify for District 2018-19 awards. Each of you have worked hard to fulfill you basic requirements and that is an accomplishment!.

Club submissions for D6900 2018-19 District Awards must be submitted no later than March 8th 2019.

You may log on to the D6900 District Web Site @ https://rotary6900.org/v2/ and access 2018-19 district awards information, data and club awards submission at https://rotary6900.org/v2/page/481. This will allow you to:

1. Enter and track your club's 2018-19 District Governor's Citation submission.

2. Enter, edit and track your club's 2018-19 service projects data and information and track that information on the district 6900 web site @ https://rotary6900.org/v2/page/481.

3. Allow you to download all District 6900 2018-19 Award files for information and guidance.

We are well along in our 2018-19 Rotary year! We have had time to adjust to our new positions and settle in for the remainder of the year, hence the purpose of this email.

As the 2018-19 District Awards Chair, It is my responsibility to keep all our District race teams “ON TRACK” and eligible for District awards. This means we validate that club tasks have been completed, inform YOU, the Club Presidents/DRIVERS when you have not fulfilled basic award requirements as a ROTARY CLUB/RACE TEAM so you take corrective action to complete the assigned task.

In accordance with the Governor's Citation, there are mandatory actions each D6900 Rotary Club Race Team must complete to qualify for the 2018-19 D6900 Governor’s Citation also known as the Governor’s Challenge Cup. Currently, 90% of our CLUBS and race teams qualify for District 2018-19 awards. Each of you have worked hard to fulfill you basic requirements and that is an accomplishment!.

Club submissions for D6900 2018-19 District Awards must be submitted no later than March 8th 2019.

Club Presidents and designated club members may log on to the D6900 District Web Site @ https://rotary6900.org/v2/ and access 2018-19 district awards information, data and club awards submission @ https://rotary6900.org/v2/page/481. This will allow you to:

1. Enter and track your club's 2018-19 District Governor's Citation submission.

2. Enter, edit and track your club's 2018-19 service projects data and information and track that information on the district 6900 web site @ https://rotary6900.org/v2/page/481.

3. Allow you to download all District 6900 2018-19 Award files for information and guidance.

Posted by Raymond Ray, Jr.
January 7, 2019


This Year’s Posts: