From the District Governor
Taking Stock as We Reach the Mid-Way Point in Our Rotary Race to Inspire

FUN is the middle name of this Smokey and the Bandit team - who previewed the Big Wheels Grand Prix possibilities at a recent district conference planning meeting!

FUN is the middle name of this Smokey and the Bandit team - who previewed the Big Wheels Grand Prix possibilities at a recent district conference planning meeting!

As this newsletter comes out, Annette and I and other members of your District 6900 leadership team are in San Diego for Rotary's International Assembly - a gathering of Rotary leadership from around the world to plan for the 2019-20 Rotary year and reconnect with friends and service project partners. I'm proud to be representing District 6900 and all you are doing to make a difference in your communities and the world.

We are at our mid-year Pit Stop for this Rotary year - a good time to tune up your Rotary experience. Ask yourself five simple questions:

  • Are you registered for District Conference in Sandestin - April 25-28? Smokey and the Bandit are ready to deliver on their promise of FUN … starting Thursday night with the Big Wheel Grand Prix and a ticketed dinner event on the Grand Lawn of the Grand Sandestin from 6-9 pm. So race right over to registration at https://rotary6900.org/v2/reservation/create?event... and make sure you're part of the fun. Get there by January 15 and enjoy extended early bird registration discounts!
  • Did you know it's Vocational Service Month for Rotary International. That means there's not a better time for adding Rotary Means Business to your Rotary life. As the newest Rotary Fellowship, RMB offers a business to business networking opportunity to share your business with fellow Rotarians. Read more in this newsletter about RMB - and think about attending a meeting in your area - or contacting Lou Alvarado to talk about forming an RMB group in your area. Also take a look at the Women in Rotary article for the great networking opportunity created by our North Fulton Rotarians.
  • Do you have our very special events for Saturday, February 16 on your calendar? Rotary International President Barry Rassin will join us in District 6900 for our Interact Conference and a meeting with Rotarians. See the stories in this newsletter about opportunities to be part of this special visit from our RI President to Roswell.
  • Are you sharing the FUN of Rotary with friends and work associates? We're counting on you to introduce people to your Club's fellowship and service events to help inspire them to join us in the fine work and FUN we all enjoy as Rotarians.
  • Finally, have you set a personal goal for Rotary Foundation giving for this year? You can read more about that in our TRF news and actually learn more about work our district is a part of in Bangladesh. It sure makes you want to keep The Rotary Foundation fueled up to do good in the world.

I look forward to seeing you on the roads of District 6900 and thank you again for all you are doing for Rotary, your communities and the world.

Posted by Court Dowis, Jr.
January 7, 2019


This Year’s Posts: