From the District Governor
Not all Super Heroes wear Capes

Above: John Grant and Bill Nordmark started the Atlanta Friendship Initiative and were recognized by Rotary for their work to build a friendlier Atlanta; below: Vickie and Bill Nordmark with Ironman Minda Dentler who shared her inspiring story as a polio survivor  at our District Conference and the RI Convention in Atlanta

Above: John Grant and Bill Nordmark started the Atlanta Friendship Initiative and were recognized by Rotary for their work to build a friendlier Atlanta; below: Vickie and Bill Nordmark with Ironman Minda Dentler who shared her inspiring story as a polio survivor at our District Conference and the RI Convention in Atlanta

This past month we lost a superhero, a man that everyone could look up to, Polio Survivor, Basketball All-star, successful businessman and Family man, but Bill Nordmark was more….

Let me be the first to say that while I knew Bill through Rotary and speaking engagements, but there are many, many others who knew him, better, longer, deeper than I could.

Bill Nordmark had a gift, a true gift from God that whomever he met, with that very first smile, handshake and hug……..the honesty in his eyes made every one of us feel special. You felt the calmness and loving from him, even if was your first chance meeting with Bill. He was President of the Atlanta Rotary Club, a tireless worker on behalf of our effort to eradicate polio, and co-founder of the Atlanta Friendship Initiative. In reporting his death, the Atlanta Journal Constitution said Bill "made Atlanta a friendlier place" and we can certainly say the same about his impact on Rotary. And that he inspired us all to do good in the world.

I am so very glad we could all call him a friend, our Super Hero - even though I never saw a Cape!

It is a true pleasure to be “Racing” around District 6900 visiting the clubs (24 so far) and meeting each of you, learning more about your passion of Rotary in your community. For Rotary International September is “Basic Education & Literacy Month” In your clubs I already see the projects you partner with schools and Libraries. These programs are truly investing our time and resources into our next generation for success.

We must all remember that many children in foreign countries are not so lucky. Until Rotary provide Grants for sustainable clean water many children spend their days carrying water to their village. However after that miracle of water in the village is provided, Rotary must, we must provide basic education to the village children for their future.

In District 6900 we have started the Race/Green Flag is out !! In September we must start “Building Speed” for the First Turn. Start asking friends, business associates, neighbors to join in our Rotary Socials, see what we do for the community in our service projects and ASK them to…… Join in our Fun!!

Posted by Court Dowis, Jr.
September 8, 2018


Posted by Lorri Christopher
Rotary Club of Dunwoody
October 15, 2018 5:44pm

Bill was an awesome man who lived the true Rotary motto. He always gave more than he got and was the first to support much needed initiatives. Our hearts are with he and his family as we carry on in the Bill Nordmark tradition of "Being An Inspiration", which he was to all of us.Thank you, too, Vickie for your ongoing support of Bill and all he did.

This Year’s Posts: