Council on Legislation
Take an Opportunity to Comment on Possible Worldwide Rotary Rule Changes

Every three years one representative from every district in the world comes together in Chicago for one week at the end of April to review, debate and vote on proposed changes to the Manual of Procedure, Club & District Constitutions, RI Constitution and other Rotary governing documents. This is where the rules are made, changed and deleted. This year I am your Council representative. We will be looking at 116 proposed changes. Some of them are minor changes designed to bring our documents into line with the real world. Others are fairly substantial.

All of the proposals had to be submitted by Dec 31, 2017. Since then the Council Executive team has been sorting and reviewing them. When several proposals addressed the same issue, they reached out to the proposers and encouraged them to create a single proposal they could all support. They have ensured all of the information is accurate and documented properly.

Now it is up to us. Please take a look at the Proposals and let me know your opinion. You may email me at margie@callkbs.com to let me know what you think and most importantly why you feel as you do. To download the proposals, visit https://my.rotary.org/en/document/proposed-legisla... for a PDF download. It is 400 pages, so schedule some time to review these! Remember, our governing documents have to be flexible enough to support 35,000+ Rotary clubs in 200 countries.

If you would like to submit a formal Statement of Opposition or Support for any individual proposal, here is the information and link:

Statements of Support and Opposition
Clubs and district conferences may use the online form to submit statements of support, opposition, or general comments regarding legislation. The online form can be found here: https://rotary.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3z84O8VkG.... Club statements must be submitted or confirmed by the club’s president and district statements must be submitted or confirmed by the governor.

All Statements must be submitted no later than Valentine’s Day, Feb 14, 2019 and must not exceed 2000 words.

Visit the Council on Legislation page at rotary.org for additional information on the processes and procedures.

Thank you for your support in keeping Rotary strong and positive!

Posted by Margie Kersey
November 6, 2018


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