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Be Inspired As RI President Barry Rassin Visits Roswell; Joins Interact Conference

Saturday, February 16

Rotary friendships can be global!  One such global friendship developed between PDG Bob Hagan and RI President Barry Rassin over the years as they served both their communities and the globe through Rotary. When Barry became RI President, Bob reached out for him to visit Roswell, since Bob had visited President Barry’s club several years ago. Even with an incredible travel schedule, President Barry and his wife, Esther, are making time for that. He will inspire each of us to serve each other, our community, and do good in the world. He is an outstanding speaker and will share his vision of Rotary’s role locally and globally. You will not want to miss this special meeting and an opportunity to be inspired by a global leader!

Rotary friendships can be global! One such global friendship developed between PDG Bob Hagan and RI President Barry Rassin over the years as they served both their communities and the globe through Rotary. When Barry became RI President, Bob reached out for him to visit Roswell, since Bob had visited President Barry’s club several years ago. Even with an incredible travel schedule, President Barry and his wife, Esther, are making time for that. He will inspire each of us to serve each other, our community, and do good in the world. He is an outstanding speaker and will share his vision of Rotary’s role locally and globally. You will not want to miss this special meeting and an opportunity to be inspired by a global leader!

District 6900 is excited to announce that Rotary International Barry Rassin will be visiting us in February 16 - for the Interact Conference and a special Saturday lunch meeting of the Rotary Club of Roswell!

The District 6900 Interact Conference and the Roswell Rotary Club meeting will take place at Blessed Trinity High School, 11320 Woodstock Road in Roswell.The agenda includes:

  • 9:30 - 11:30 District 6900 Interact Conference (Interact Clubs can register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/interact-district-690...
  • 11:30 - 12:30 Registration, Supply Collection* and Lunch ($15 per person)
  • 12:30 - 2:00 Roswell Rotary Meeting – Featured Speaker Rotary International President Barry Rassin
  • 2:00 - 3:00 Interact members pack items destined for Puerto Rico

In honor of President Barry Rassin’s visit to Roswell, please make a donation or bring any of the following supplies for delivery to Puerto Rico: Adult diapers, body lotion, Wet Ones, Ensure and vitamin drinks.

Lunch is open to Rotarians, Interactors, Rotaractors and guests. The cost is $7.50 each for Interactors and Rotaractors, and $15.00 each for Rotarians and guests (no charge for Roswell Rotarians). Register at https://roswellrotary.club/v2/reservation/create?e...

For more information, contact me at Rebecca.Stone@StonePC.net or 770-634-2717.

Posted by Becky Stone
January 7, 2019


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