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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

May 12, 2021


May is Youth Service Month

5/14 Service Project - Books for Dresden and Kingsley
5/28 Michael Wilensky, State Representative ... In Person or Via Zoom
6/4 Billy Grogan, Dunwoody Police Chief ... in Person or Via Zoom
6/11 Club Assembly ... in Person or Via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

5/4 Lorri Christopher
5/20 Tina Philpot


5/4 Jennie Stipick (13)
5/11 Hoshi Daruwalla (13)
5/27 Jack Francisco (13)
5/28 Bob O'Brien (44)
5/28 Matthew Johnson (10)
5/29 Mike Shortal (125)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Jennie Stipick
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

From Our Club President
Think of May 20 as Our Coming Out Party

I guess we can't really say that, because the Rotary Club of Dunwoody has been a real force in the community for the last 37 years. And we were front and center at the Dunwoody Arts Festival last weekend (thanks to all!). And each and every student at Dresden and Kingsley will get new books next week - thanks to you!

That said, next Thursday we have two great opportunities to remind the community of who we are:

  • In the morning, we are finally participating in the USDA Farmers to Families Food Box program - Kobelah has been working to get Malachi's Storehouse and our club involved in this for some time - see the story below and help us if you can.
  • In the early evening, we are hosting our membership social - and asking each of you to bring a guest to LeMeridien - someone you think might be a great Rotarian! You can read more about this event below too.

There are more opportunities outlined in this bulletin, so take time to read through to the end - and join us in having fun and making a difference in the community. Thanks for all you do!

This Week's Meeting
Service Opportunity ... Books for Dresden and Kingsley Elementary ... in Person

Join us this Friday at Le Meridien Perimeter Atlanta to prepare books for our annual "every student receives a book" donation to Dresden and Kingsley Elementary School. You may also join by Zoom for announcements, a "surprise visitor" and fellowship as you cheer on the Dunwoody team! Join by Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419

Opportunity to Serve
Come Out to Help Address Food Insecurity in North Atlanta Next Thursday!

Next Thursday morning (May 20) at 7:00 AM, we have an amazing opportunity to partner with the Rotary Clubs of Sandy Springs, Roswell and Alpharetta to deliver 1,100 food boxes from the USDA Farmers to Families Food Box program.

Kobelah has been working on this opportunity for months – and we were just advised that the shipment includes 150 thirty-pound food boxes for Malachi’s Storehouse. We need a small “army” of folks in Sandy Springs to move boxes and a couple of pickup trucks to transport these boxes to Malachi’s. Then we’ll help unload the boxes at Malachi’s.

Rotarians from around District 6900 have been distributing food from this Farmers to Families Food Box Program since last fall and we were finally able to get Malachi’s on the list for a distribution. The USDA program is about to sunset so we are glad we are part of this May 20 initiative.

If you can help with a truck or in the loading/unloading process, please let Kobelah know ASAP. Thanks!

Fellowship Opportunity
Let's Introduce Everyone to Dunwoody Rotary

Recognize these pictures? They are from our last Rotary membership event - in February 2020 - where we asked people to Leap Into Rotary, and generated some interest in becoming part of our team! And now we're ready to do that again - at our membership social at Le Meridien Perimeter Atlanta, next Thursday, May 20.

Regardless of what roles you have in our club, you are all on a very important committee - the Membership Committee. And as part of that committee, your job for next Thursday is simple: 

  1. Invite someone you think would make a good Dunwoody Rotarian to this member social. If everyone could bring just ONE person we could be well set for membership growth in 2021-22
  2. Be there to welcome our guests and share Dunwoody Rotary's story.

The event takes place Thursday, May 20, 2021 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Le Meridien, 111 Perimeter Center West, Atlanta GA 30346. We’ll buy everyone who attends a drink and share some appetizers, while we give potential members an idea of what it means to connect through Rotary.

Talk to Membership Chair Darrin Vanderpan, President Ardy or President-Elect Carter if you have questions. 

Opportunity to Serve
Join the Gigantic Sprucetanza at Bounds Gardens this Weekend

Current and Future Sprusters,

With CAC and the Arts Festival behind us this month, what’s an energetic, civic-minded group of Dunwoody Rotarians to do?

I have an idea and this 2016 picture might give you a clue. Amble on down to Bounds Gardens (the traffic island across the street from the Dunwoody library) this Saturday May 15 at 09:00. Bring your favorite gardening tool(s) and gloves and let’s get busy. The gardens are sporting an untamed, western wilderness look. OK, it looks maybe passable, the botanical equivalent of three day beards and ripped (on purpose) jeans.

Job One, in addition to gutter sweeping, is taking care of the wide variety of weeds that roam all over the spacious .005 acre park, especially the ones over a foot tall. So that involves bending or kneeling down to yank those SOB’s out of the prairie, I mean dirt.

Do you any of you have a hedge trimmer, chain saw, or tiller, either wireless or gas powered? If so, we could bring those prickly twig holly plants on the perimeter down a foot or two, and maybe depending on the size of the posse that reports Saturday morning, plant some hellebores (Lenten Roses) and strawberry begonias.

And for those of you who stay the course, after all the weedin, snippin, and sweepin how about some dessert? That’s right, pine straw lovingly laid down all over the fruited plain.

If JFK was still alive today and a Dunwoody Rotarian, he might well intone, “Ask not what Bounds Gardens can do for you, ask what you can do for Bounds Gardens.”

If you plan on coming, a heads up to Ranger Fred Bounds would be appreciated.

Thanks for Your Service
Dunwoody Arts Festival a BIG Success.. Thanks to You!

Thanks to everyone who helped out at the Dunwoody Arts Festival last weekend - whether you helped with artist set-up on Friday, with Sunday departure of the artists, or with the Rotary Club of Dunwoody booth on Friday and Saturday. More than 25 Rotarians served on the team! We were also pleased to have Atlanta Rotaract Club members Claire Gordon, Brandon Conner and Mel Ciftici helping Sunday and Rotary Youth Exchange alumni Emily and Yasmeen on hand in the Club's booth with Cathie Brumfield. It was a great weekend in Brook Run to be visible in the community!

Fellowship Opportunity
Dunwoody Launches New Wine Group


Last night (May 11) Dunwoody launched this new fellowship group with "Wine in the Garden" on Cathie Brumfield's back patio. The 12 who attended enjoyed the sound of the Chattahoochee, conversation, great food and wine! We plan to gather once a month - the Bardens will host next month - date to be determined! For ore information, contact Cathie Brumfield or Jackie Cuthbert.
