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Rotary Onlinehttps://dunwoodyrotary.org
President | Rick Woods |
President-Elect | Cathie Brumfield |
Treasurer | Ron Barden |
Secretary | Ardy Bastien |
Membership Chair | Bob Freeman |
Foundation Chair | Bill Mulkey |
Bulletin Editor | Tania Lopez |
Marvin O. (Dell) Spry previously worked for Dorrean, LLC as an adjunct instructor with the Federal Bureau of Investigation teaching national security matters to new agents and analysts in training at the FBI Academy. He formerly served as a senior management consultant with Dorrean, where he taught an advanced course of instruction to FBI personnel concerning human intelligence (HUMINT) collection, intelligence tradecraft, and counterintelligence matters.
Prior to Dorrean, Spry served with the Department of the Army as the Intelligence Community Outreach Coordinator for the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization after retiring from a distinguished twenty year career at the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a counterintelligence supervisor. At the FBI Spry primarily worked on counterintelligence, counterespionage, and counterterrorism investigations. His tenure included 12 years of management experience at both headquarter and field office levels. While assigned to the FBI headquarters Spry was a member of the National Security Council Counterterrorism Working Group, and was liaison to the CIA Counterintelligence Center, Counterespionage Group. He was the lead investigator for the FBI in the Aldrich Ames investigation for which he received the FBI Director’s Award for Excellence in a Counterintelligence Investigation and the CIA Director’s Meritorious Service Award.
During his FBI career Spry conducted investigations in the countries of the Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom whose governments presented him with Letters of Recognition. He was also involved in investigations in Russia, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, and Cuba, where he established liaison with both the intelligence services and law enforcement services. He also performed humanitarian relief work in Ethiopia, Cambodia, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Sri Lanka.
Spry lives in Johns Creek,GA with his wife Susan. They have two children, Rachel and Steven, and two grandchildren Cynthia and Peyton.
Now is the time...
As of last Friday (2/22/19) we only had 76 tickets purchased for the 2019 Governors Ball raffle, and every one of them was purchased by a member of the Rotary Club of Dunwoody (or a spouse). We need to strongly encourage our friends and relatives to purchase a raffle ticket to help support our good works in Dunwoody and the world at large.
To do accomplish that I am suggesting that each of you send an email appeal to all your friends and relatives that are 18+ years of age and reside in Georgia. Below is a template that you should feel free to copy or modify as you may feel is needed:
As you know I am a proud Rotarian, and on March 16, 2019 my club is having our annual fund raiser which will raise the money we will have available to spend on good works next year. You can help me in my effort to raise money by purchasing a $25 raffle ticket. The prize is one ounce of gold worth more than $1,300. The winner doesn't have to be present to win, and any money spent on raffle tickets is considered a donation to the Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund , a 501(c)3.
In the past year, my Club has donated to disaster relieve for victims of Hurricanes, supported the purchase of lights for high school practice fields, and the purchase of a trailer to transport band instruments to away events, just to name a few of the projects.
Please help me by following this link to purchase a raffle ticket
yyyyyyy yyyyyy
In the spirit of Peace and Love, we are reintroducing the "Wine Toss" to the Governors Ball. Here's how it works...
Now remember, this is a fund raiser. So, President Rick is asking that each member bring a bottle of wine, minimum $10 in value, to contribute to the pool. Start bringing your bottles now and we'll collect them.
Spruceapalooza Set for Saturday March 2 at Monroe Park by Fred Bounds, Superintendent, Monroe Park
On the first Saturday in March, at 9:00 a.m., we’ll be planting 40 Purple Pixie Loropedalums around the Monroe Park perimeter. All Sprucetarians, family and friends are invited! This project was planned with the able assistance of Su Ellis, Master Gardener at the Dunwoody Nature Center. The plants are being provided free of charge by the Dunwoody Department of Public Works. So bring your gloves and trowels and we’ll see you Saturday March 2.
(Monroe Park is our Adopt-A-Spot traffic island across from the Dunwoody library.)
Send your Newsletter submission to:
Our Club's Weekly Newsletter typically consists of:
·Speaker bio
·New Member Name(s)
·Featured article(s) (regarding events, service projects, or on-going topics general club administrative items, etc..).
·Foundation initiatives or other topics of interest to Members and with value for our Club archives.
·Announcements (seeking volunteers, advertising service projects, etc.)
·For Your Calendar (Club and other activities we encourage members and/or their spouses to attend, including Family of Rotary events
·Member News (birthdays, anniversaries, accomplishments, Caring Hands)
Please keep in mind key components to include with your submission:
·Title of your article
·Description of the activity
·Dates, Time, Location, deadline, etc... (especially for upcoming events)
·Key Points of Contact Information and/or a link to reference website for details
·Names and/or headcount of Rotarians (and others) participating,
·The reaction of those benefiting and the numbers of those benefiting.
Please also tell me the number of weeks would you like the article published.
Finally, the deadline for articles to run in the current week are Mondays by 5 p.m.
If you have any questions feel free to ask me!
Thank you!
Tania López