The Rotary Foundation
Celebrating OUR Rotary Foundation

Posted by the Being Rotarian group on Facebook

Posted by the Being Rotarian group on Facebook

As we start another new Rotary year, I have to reflect on all the good work that is done through OUR Rotary Foundation.The legal name may be The Rotary Foundation but it is Our Rotary Foundation. Why you ask? Because we, the Rotarians, decide on how the money donated to the Foundation is used. Not a committee and not an executive director and not a board of directors. Money donated to the Foundation is only paid out for District Grants, Global Grants, PolioPlus Grants, Disaster Relief, and Global and Peace Fellowships.

Our Rotary Foundation connects us with our communities through our involvement with non-profits and our helping those in need. It connects us with other clubs in our District when we work together on District and/or Global Grants.It connects us with Rotarians and individuals in other countries through our Global Grants. Our Rotary Foundation connects all of us. The work done through our Foundation is something we have in common with all Rotarians. The Clubs and Districts are all very different but we all work on doing good in the world through Our Foundation.

I may be the District Rotary Foundation Chair but the Foundation work that is done in our District is performed by a large group of people who have a passion for Our Foundation and all that it does. It is going to be my honor to work with these people over the next three years.

November is Foundation month but I would like to suggest that it not be the only month we talk about Our Foundation. Let’s celebrate all that we do through Our Foundation in November but also talk about the Foundation every month. It could vary from presenting to the club the District Grant that it is doing, having as a speaker someone that was affected by a Grant, having a member share how it touches their heart and why they give to the Foundation, and small tidbits of information about Our Foundation to help educate members. I want to help you learn more about Our Foundation and help remove some of the confusion and mystery relating to it.

Also, please join me in thanking PDG Margie Kersey and her team for all the hard work during the last three years. I hope they all know how much we appreciate their dedication and support.

So I am here to help in any way that I can. Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do to help you or your club.

Yours in Rotary Service,

PDG Cheryl Greenway

Posted by Cheryl Greenway
July 9, 2019


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