Legacy, Tradition, and Continuity
Our current, past, and future club presidents discussing club matters while enjoying a little fellowship
Hello Rotarians,
Serving as the 2024-2025 President of the Rotary Club of Columbus is a pleasure and an honor for me.
For this Rotary year, our theme is The Magic of Rotary, experienced as each Rotarian creates magic while serving others. Following the district theme, Making Rotary Irresistible, centering around the Rotary experience members will enjoy a positive, fun, and meaningful time as we fellowship and serve together.
This year we will continue our regular service projects and add some new ones! Our support of Columbus Street Hockey and Cure Violence will provide a celebratory meal to the Street Hockey children on the final day of each session. With our Rotary Community Grant we hope to supply tennis equipment and benches for Micah’s Promise. We will plant a Peace Pole at the Main Branch of the Columbus Library. In January we will offer a Human Trafficking Training for law enforcement officers, judicial representatives, medical professionals, and non-profit workers. Toward the end of the Rotary year we will prepare toiletry kits for four non-profit agencies during our regular Rotary meeting. With the support of our members, we will be able to complete these service projects and make a difference in our community.
In late July our GRSP student arrives, and in August our Rotary Youth Exchange student arrives. Our club will host the GRSP conclave in August as we welcome all the GRSP students and their host families to Columbus!
As we work and serve together, we will be making magical moments and providing an irresistible experience for our members! Thank you for your commitment and dedication to Rotary, our club, and the Columbus community.
President Meredith
Stories about the recent activities of our club. Learn more »
Since 1985, Rotary has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the effort to rid the world of the polio virus.
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#4119 chartered February 1, 1916.
Sponsored by Rotary International.
Active Membership: 243
Wednesdays, 12:00 pm
Convention & Trade Center
801 Front Street
Columbus, GA 31901
P.O. Box 1138
Columbus, GA 31902