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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

December 14, 2022


December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month

Our Rotary Family

12/4 Carter Stout
12/8 Ardy Bastien
12/8 Rick Otness
12/14 Ron Barden
12/15 Rick Woods
12/19 Bill Kelly, Jr.
12/23 Erich Schuetz
12/31 Jennie Stipick
12/31 Mark Sykes
12/31 Matthew Johnson
12/31 Imani Reynolds


12/14 Mark Galvin (31)
12/20 Jack Sparks (17)
12/21 Anne Glenn (26)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Le Méridien Atlanta Perimeter
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346



Fundraising Bob O'Brien
President Jennifer Shumway
President-Elect Jack Sparks
President Nominee Louise Barden
Immediate PP Carter Stout
Treasurer Cathie Brumfield
Secretary Matthew Johnson
Foundation Jennie Stipick
Membership Dave Burr
Admin Ed Holliday
Sergeant-at-Arms Griff Ransom
Public Image Imani Reynolds
Community Service Rick Woods

No Meeting This Week or Next Two Fridays
Join Us for Thirsty Thursday on December 16 ... and Third Whiskey Raffle

Don't miss the excitement of the drawing that determines our third whiskey raffle winner ... or the opportunity for fellowship and fun with your Dunwoody Rotary friends this Thursday night at the Dunwoody Tavern. Festivities begin at 5:30 pm.

You still have time to purchase tickets - or encourage your friends to do that - as we stand at 127 tickets sold out of the 150 available tickets. For drawing #3, the prize is a bottle of Blanton’s Gold valued at $400. Tickets are on sale for $30 each at whiskey-raffle.com. Also at stake - the opportunity to grow our Rotary Club of Dunwoody Charitable Fund so that we can provide more support for our community.

Help Us Make FORE! the Memories a Huge Success!

We are happy to report that we already have 3 Event Sponsors and 2 Hole Sponsors ... all Dunwoody Rotarians, so thanks!  Just a reminder, next year’s tournament will be held at St. Marlo Country Club on Monday, May 15, 2023. Please go to the tournament website, www.rcdgolftournament.com, and see photos from last year as well as the information to share for this coming year’s sponsorship opportunities.

Service and Fellowship Opportunity
Calling All Host Families and Volunteers for GRSP Leadership Weekend 2023

GRSP Class of 2022-23 at recent Savannah student weekend

We are planning now for the 2023 GRSP Leadership Weekend - scheduled for February 10-12. A signature Dunwoody Rotary event for the last 20+ years, this weekend provides many opportunities to meet some special college students from around the world - here for a one-year cultural exchange as part of a program that is unique to Georgia. And you'll meet Rotarians from many of the clubs who help us host this weekend.

At the moment, we are looking for host families willing to provide bed, breakfast and a bit of transportation between Friday night and Sunday morning. We try to keep the students in groups of two to four, but we welcome your participation even if you can only take one student - or want to volunteer with some of the many weekend activities - from a group service project to Friday night social events to Saturday night suppers, the Sunday morning Shark Tank competition, or helping with logistics during the weekend sessions.

Contact Jackie Cuthbert if you'd like to talk about the best ways for you to help with the leadership weekend. And watch for more about an upcoming planning meeting.

Fellowship and Fun
Dunwoody's Planning a Mardi Gras Celebration

Put the date on your calendar now and contact Raymond Mesa if you'd like to volunteer for the Mardi Gras committee!

The Power of Rotary
Books for Ukranian Children

From left, Wendy Oleksy, principal of Columbus School, Laura Kann, governor of District 6420, Pat Merryweather-Arges, Rotary International Director, and Erika Dahlgren, a consultant with Usborne Books and More, help deliver books at Columbus Elementary School.

Editor's Note: This article appeared on the Rotary Voices Website, authored by our own Honorary Member Laura Kann who started her Rotary career with us and is now District Governor of District 6420 in Illinois.

Rotary’s response to the war in Ukraine has been simply incredible. Since the war began in February, Rotarians have opened their hearts to support those effected by the war in many different ways. Many members in my district have also been thinking, what can we do, right here, right now?

In August, I read a front-page article in the Chicago Tribune about Ukrainian refugee children in Chicago and the impact of the war on them and their families. It both broke my heart and spurred me to action, showing me how District 6420 could make a difference for at least some of these children.

With the start of the 2022-23 school year many of these children enrolled in a new school in a new city with new teachers and new classmates. They had been forced to leave their homes, their relatives, their friends, their schools, their toys – everything. They had traveled a very long distance to a very new country where everything was different. Not necessarily different in a bad way, but different nonetheless. They literally had started over. [read more]

Calendar Updates
A Few Key Dates

Here are few key reminders about upcoming events:

  • December 15: Thirsty Thursday and Whiskey Raffle Drawing #3 - Dunwoody Tavern, 5:30 pm
  • December 16, 23 and 30: No meetings ... enjoy your holidays with your families
  • January 6: Imani Reynolds, Cox Media, "Finding the GEM in You"
  • January 13: Thomas Ritch, Director of Development, Special Olympics Georgia
  • January 19: Thirsty Thursday, 5:30 pm, location TBD
  • January 20: No meeting ... Join us for Thirsty Thursday
  • January 27: Marion Bunch, Rotary Family Health Days:  Idea to Action to Impact
  • February 10-12: GRSP Leadership Weekend ... ask Jackie Cuthbert how you can help with this 20+ year tradition
  • February 21: Dunwoody Mardi Gras Celebration  
  • May 15: Second Annual RCD Golf Tournament: Contact Bob O'Brien to help!