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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

October 27, 2021


October is Economic and Community Development Month

10/29 The Rotary Foundation - Jennie Stipick
11/5 Freddy Morello, Clubhouse Atlanta
11/12 Major Andrew Radloff, US Air Force
11/19 No meeting - join us for Thirsty Thursday

Our Rotary Family

10/7 Mike Parks
10/13 Mike Shortal
10/22 Teak Pacetti, Jr.
10/24 Bill Woulfin
10/24 Charlene Hall


10/2 Ed Godshall (13)
10/10 Lorri Christopher (40)
10/12 Gary Lane (18)
10/25 Dottie Toney (7)
10/31 William Kelly, Jr. (34)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Le Méridien Atlanta Perimeter
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Carter Stout
President-Elect Jennifer Bowler
Immediate PP Ardy Bastien
Treasurer Cathie Brumfield
Secretary Louise Barden
Membership Brian Harper
Foundation Jennie Stipick
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

Now is the Time to ...

  • Think about the power of The Rotary Foundation - this week's World Polio Day celebrated all that Rotary and our partners have done to bring us "this close" to ending polio; this Friday, Jennie Stipick will speak to the club about all that The Rotary Foundation helps us achieve. 
  • Get in on our Halloween day excitement, by buying your tickets for our club's first Exclusive Whiskey and Cigar Pairing raffle. Encourage your friends and whiskey/cigar enthusiasts to do the same. Only 4 days left until the first drawing on October 31!
  • Join in the planning for Dunwoody's GRSP Leadership weekend in January. The next meeting of the planning committee is tonight.
  • Add Toys for Tots to your holiday shopping list.
  • Think about whether you can help Malachi's Storehouse on its volunteer needs. 
  • Remember Dennis Springer,  husband of Past President Jennie Springer who passed away this month. A memorial is scheduled for November 23.
  • Celebrate our work at Bounds Gardens and our alumni reunion at last week's Thirsty Thursday.
  • Check out our calendar!

Read on for more information!

This Week's Speaker
Jennie Stipick, The Rotary Foundation ... in Person and via Zoom

Join us this Friday to learn more about The Rotary Foundation from Dunwoody Past President Jennie Stipick - we'll be meeting in person at LeMeridien or you can join us via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419.

Don't Wait to Support Our Fundraiser
Exclusive Whiskey & Cigar Pairing Raffle #1 - Just 16 Tickets Left; Halloween Day Drawing Just 4 Days Away!

Did you buy a ticket yet? Did your friends? Time is running out for the first drawing in the Whiskey & Cigar Pairing Raffle. Tickets are on sale now at www.whiskey-raffle.com. Only 16 of 100 tickets remain at this writing for the drawing that takes place October 31. People can buy tickets for our November and December drawings too - featuring a Shortbarrel and a Blanton Original Single Barrel bourbon with matching cigars.

This month's featured prize is a Weller Antique 107 Bourbon with two "paired to the bourbon" specialty cigars. For just a $15 ticket, you can have a chance at a $150 bottle of whiskey.

Be sure to share the link with anyone you think would enjoy this special opportunity - proceeds will support the Rotary Club of Dunwoody's work in the community and around the world!  

Remember, individuals MUST be 21 years old to participate.

Service Opportunity
Put Toys for Tots on Your Early Holiday Shopping List!

We are excited to be supporting the Marines and their annual Toys for Tots campaign again this year. Everyone is being encouraged to shop early for Christmas this year because of issues in the supply chain - and we'd like to encourage you to do early shopping too! When we gather for our Holiday luncheon on Friday, December 10, we'll be collecting bikes, toys and games to help make this holiday season great for needy local youth! You will also be able to drop off your Toys for Tots gifts even if you're not attending the luncheon live - more details on that as we move into December!

Contact Jim Glass if you have any questions.

Service Opportunity
Helpers Needed at Malachi's Storehouse

As you probably know, we have been supporting Malachi's Storehouse throughout the pandemic - we donated money early on budgeted for Rotary meetings that didn't happen and President Carter named Malachi's as the charity that would receive money this year in honor of our speakers. And we helped move 4,800 pounds of food to Malachi's earlier this year in a local "farm to families" program.

Now there's an opportunity for Rotarians to volunteer at Malachi's Storehouse. They are looking to prepare bags of pantry staples in advance of their Wednesday distribution. The volunteer shift is 4 - 6 on Tuesdays. They also need some volunteers on Wednesdays. It would be great if volunteers would be willing to join our team on a regular basis! MALACHI'S STOREHOUSE St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, 4755 North Peachtree Rd, Dunwoody, Georgia 30338

You can see more opportunities and sign up for volunteer shifts on Malachi's website. And let me know if you have questions or you're ready to sign up so we can keep track of the work we're doing as Rotarians to make a difference in the community.

Your good friend,

Kobelah Svensen Bennah, Community Service Director, RCD

Remembering Dennis Springer

As we announced at a mid-October meeting, Past President Jennie Springer's husband Dennis passed away earlier this month. He was 83 years old. Jennie and Dennis were very active members of the Dunwoody Family of Rotary. 

A memorial service will take place on Wednesday, November 23 at 1:30 pm at Peachtree Christian Church,  1580 Peachtree Road, Atlanta (actually sits on corner of 14th and Spring). Keep Jennie and her family in your prayers.

Celebrating a Tradition of Service ...
Bounds Gardens Is Looking Good!

For more than 20 years, we have been responsible for keeping the traffic island across from the Dunwoody Library looking good! Thanks to the folks who continued that tradition last week, under the guidance of Ranger Fred Bounds.

Thirsty Thursday
Dunwoody Alumni Join Last Thursday's Festivities

We were pleased to have some Dunwoody alumni join us for Thirsty Thursday last week! Check out the photos with Juan Lago, Scott Jennings, Harvey Rosenzweig and Jeff Priluck. And watch for more alumni invites ... Once a Dunwoody Rotarian, always a Dunwoody Rotarian!

Club Calendar
What's Happening from Now until Early December

Here's a way to keep up with all that's happening with the Rotary Club of Dunwoody. If you would like to add an event - or add a story to the bulletin, send an email to Jackie Cuthbert at cuthbert@mindspring.com by Tuesday evening.

Oct. 27

GRSP Leadership Conference Planning Meeting: 7:00 pm via Zoom

Oct. 29

Freddy Morello, Clubhouse Atlanta

Oct. 31

First drawing, Exclusive Whiskey and Cigar Pairing Raffle

Nov. 5

Meeting: The Rotary Foundation

Nov. 12

Meeting: Major Andrew Radloff, US AirForce

Nov. 13

Dunwoody Nature Center Service Project

Nov. 16

Board meeting: Zoom 7:30 am

Nov. 16

Attorney/CPA – Rotary Means Business, 6:30 pm at Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant, Perimeter

Nov. 18

Thirsty Thursday

Nov. 19

No meeting

Nov. 21

Second drawing: Exclusive Whiskey and Cigar Pairing Raffle

Nov. 23

Memorial service for Dennis Springer, 1:30 PM, Peachtree Christian Church, 1580 Peachtree Road (actually sits on corner of 14th and Spring)

Nov 26

No meeting; Happy Thanksgiving!

Dec 10

Holiday luncheon, Dunwoody Country Club – Toys for Tots collection
