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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

February 10, 2021


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/12 Claire Gordon, President, Rotaract Club of Atlanta ... via Zoom
2/19 No Friday Meeting - instead consider joining us for Thursday Thursday live!
2/26 Ann Hanlon, Executive Director, Perimeter CID ... via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

2/4 Laura Kann
2/7 Freddy Morello, Jr
2/9 Dr. John E. Carr
2/10 Eleni Bafas
2/13 Joseph Ransom
2/27 Bob O'Brien


2/14 Erich Schuetz (44)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30350 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

This Week's Speaker
Claire Gordon, President, Rotaract Club of Atlanta

Join us this Friday on Zoom for an update on the Rotaract Club of Atlanta from Club President Claire Gordon. You can join at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419.

Claire was born in South Africa, but considers herself a Dunwoody native. Claire has been attending Rotary events since age three; she is the daughter of Rotarian David and Judy Gordon who have been part of our Dunwoody Family of Rotary for many years. In addition to many Dunwoody Rotary service projects (including the picture of the Gordon family at a Dunwoody Nature Center clean up day you can see when you click "more" below), Claire's Rotary career includes serving as:

  • Past Dunwoody High School Interact President and RYLA attendee - sponsored by the Dunwoody Rotary
  • Past Vice President of UGA’s Rotaract
  • Current President of the Rotaract Club of Atlanta (chartered in 2012 with Dunwoody as its sponsor)
  • Incoming Membership Chair of Atlanta Metro Rotary, where she is a Charter Member.

Claire graduated from Dunwoody High School and UGA. She

Service Opportunities
Join Us at the Nature Center This Saturday

You can be part of a long Dunwoody Rotary tradition this Saturday week at the Dunwoody Nature Center. The picture we're including today is from the 2005-2006 Rotary year, when 50 members of the Dunwoody Family of Rotary came out to help at the Dunwoody Nature Center. For the last few years, we have driven the buses at the Nature Center's Butterfly Festival, and this year, we started helping out on the second Saturday of each month.

This Saturday, February 13, our work crew will take up our shovels and rakes from 9:00 am to 12 noon for the monthly volunteer day at the Dunwoody Nature Center. Wear your mask, bring your favorite garden tool and be ready for some work and fellowship. You need to sign up at https://dunwoodynature.org/volunteer-sign-up/

Join us in making new history!

Opportunities to Serve
Calling All Bakers: Need Homemade Cookies for USO Lunch Boxes by February 25

RCD is planning to prepare box lunches for our military personnel at the USO, Atlanta airport. The box lunch will include a sandwich, fruit, chips, bottle of water and “Home Made Cookies” We are asking our members to bake cookies for the box lunches. The goal is to have at least 300 cookies to distribute.

We would like to get at least six members of our club's Family of Rotary to bake 50 cookies and drop them off at E.48th Street Market by Thursday, February 25.

Please let Charlie Augello know if you can help.

The Rotary Foundation
Collaborating to Make a Difference - New Global Grant Project

Culebra is a small island paradise in Puerto Rico - with one major drawback, a mosquito that spreads life threatening diseases like dengue and yellow fever. The Rotary Club of Dunwoody has been invited - and the Board has approved - joining with Rotary District 6420 (Illinois - current home of our Past President Laura Kann) in a project to eliminate that species of mosquito over a two-year period. If the project is approved by The Rotary Foundation, we will contribute $7,500 from our Charitable Fund to support it. The project's total budget is $225,000.

We are excited about this project for several reasons:

  • If successful, the project will likely lead to similar efforts in other small Caribbean islands - so we could be part of creating a replicable project promoting disease prevention and treatment. On Culebra, this benefits the 1,800 residents as well as the thousands of tourists who visit this island each year.
  • We have the opportunity to work with Laura Kann and her district, as well as experts from the CDC.
  • With the proximity of Culebra to Dunwoody, there's potential for our Rotarians to visit and take part in the project. 

We will keep you informed as the grant moves through the approval process and we look more at the possibilities of visiting Culebra in the future.

Thanks for Supporting GRSP!

Last week we heard from our GRSP student Yemariam about how her GRSP scholarship not only answered her prayers for the financial support of her education and career dreams, but also how it had been much more than that - a Rotary family who makes her feel welcome and helped her get settled in a new country and life.

We had many online visitors from the GRSP program - which has sponsored more that 4,500 students over its 45-year history, and we recognized both Lorri Christopher and Eleni Bafas for their recent contributions to GRSP. As Eleni said last week, please let her know if you'd like to know more about contributing to GRSP. It can make a difference ... for the students, the world and each of us.

Pictured: Lorri Christopher, GRSP Secretary and new Ronnie Waller Fellow, GRSP Chair Bert Guy, GRSP Trustee, Foundation Secretary and new Will Watt Fellow Eleni Bafas, and GRSP Vice-Chair Mike Sweigart.

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