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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

July 15, 2020


July is New Rotary Year Month

7/16 Evening Celebration of Rotary Year 2019-2020 Success! No Friday am Meeting
7/24 Billy Grogan, Dunwoody Police Chief ... Dunwoody Country Club
8/7 Dr. Mark Cohen, Chief Medical Officer, Piedmont Atlanta Hospital ... via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

7/18 Roy Wise
7/25 Frederick Bounds


7/3 Frederick Bounds (12)
7/5 Russell Reams, DBA, Jr. (6)
7/7 Brian Harper (12)
7/10 Lawrence Domenico (27)
7/11 William Thiele (24)
7/11 Bob Freeman (28)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30350 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

This Week's Meeting - Thirsty Thursday
Join the Year-End Celebration at Dunwoody Country Club

This week, we'll have a Thirsty Thursday celebration like none other ever! 

  1. It is our celebration of the 2019-20 Rotary year - and all that we have accomplished under the leadership of President Cathie Brumfield and her Board of Directors. 
  2. It is the first time in history people attending will be wearing masks (but our second Thirsty Thursday).
  3. It's the first time that our year-end celebration follows the installation of officers for the new Rotary year, as Ardy Bastien and his team were installed at last week's meeting.

The live setting is a familiar one - the Dunwoody Country Club. Festivities begin at 6:00 pm; everyone at the Country Club will be treated by the Club to a beverage and appetizers. Your spouse or a guest is welcome to attend! Immediate Past President Cathie will share her thoughts about the year and present some awards starting at about 6:45 pm. And you can greet President Cathie's family who is pictured here (photo by Ritchie).

We selected Dunwoody Country Club because it offers the social distancing we think makes it safer for us to meet in person. Masks will be required. We will have masks and hand sanitizer available. The Country Club will take temperatures at the front door - anyone with a temperature of 100 or more will be asked to leave. DCC staff (with masks and gloves) will provide cafeteria style appetizer service and pre-rolled silverware, water and such will be available at DCC-manned stations in the meeting room.

Want to Join by Zoom ... would you be our host?

We'd love to provide the option for those who can't or aren't comfortable with attending in person to join us by Zoom. To do that, we need someone to be our Zoom host - to open the Zoom meeting and let people in. Let President Ardy or Past President Cathie know if you're willing to host. If we find a Zoom host before tomorrow afternoon, we'll send an email to the club with connection information.

A Lookback at Last Friday

Last Friday marked the start of a new Rotary Year - with the installation of President Ardy Bastien and his Board of Directors. District Governor Kirk Driskell and Immediate PDG Jim Squire were both on hand at our first in-person meeting since March 6. DG Kirk installed Ardy and his board. 

Ardy challenged us all to look for ways we can make a difference in the community. "With all that's going on today, Rotary opens the opportunity to make a bigger difference than ever - let us know how you think we can help."

We welcomed three new members, with Membership Chair Fred Brandt saying that "they didn't think our attendance requirements of one live meeting every five months was too onerous. Be sure to introduce yourself to Kristi LoVerde (sponsored by Charlie Augello), Jeff Hanson (sponsored by Fred Brandt) and Peyton Adkins-Graham (sponsored by Jackie Cuthbert). 

Staying Safe During the Pandemic
CDC Guidelines for Handling and Wearing Masks

We're all looking forward to getting together but still concerned about protecting each other from the coronavirus. The CDC has published some guidelines for how to use your mask effectively.

Use the Face Covering to Protect Others

  • Wear a face covering to help protect others in case you’re infected but don’t have symptoms
  • Wear the covering in public settings when around people outside of your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain
  • Don’t put the covering around your neck or up on your forehead - bring a plastic bag to hold your mask if you're taking it off to eat during the meeting.
  • Don’t touch the face covering, and, if you do, wash your hands

Wear your Face Covering Correctly

  • Wash your hands before putting on your face covering
  • Put it over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin
  • Try to fit it snugly against the sides of your face
  • Make sure you can breathe easily 

Take Off Your Cloth Face Covering Carefully, When You’re Home

  • Untie the strings behind your head or stretch the ear loops
  • Handle only by the ear loops or ties
  • Fold outside corners together
  • Place covering in the washing machine. If not washable hang in the sun so the UV rays can kill germs. 
  • Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing and wash hands immediately after removing.
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