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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

December 31, 2019


December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month

1/3 Sally Platt, Community Needs Assessment
1/10 Katie Cyphers
1/17 No meeting - join GRSP class of 2019-20 at our weekend MLK event!
1/24 To be announced

Our Rotary Family

12/4 Carter Stout
12/8 Ardy Bastien
12/8 Rick Otness
12/14 Ron Barden
12/15 Rick Woods
12/19 Susan Schwall
12/19 Bill Kelly, Jr.
12/23 Bill Mulkey
12/23 Erich Schuetz
12/31 Jack Sparks
12/31 Marion Bunch
12/31 Mark Sykes
12/31 Charlene Hall
12/31 Jeff Rosen
12/31 Cary King
12/31 Enrique Ramos


12/20 Jack Sparks (14)
12/21 Anne Glenn (23)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
President-Elect Ardy Bastien
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

Happy New Year!

Welcome back this Friday as we start off the New Year! We hope your holiday time with family and friends was good and wish you a happy new year!

We have three news items to start us off for 2020:

  • Sally Platt of the Rotary Club of Marietta Metro will be our speaker this week, helping us kick off our community needs assessment
  • Our own Past President Laura Kann has been selected by her new district in Illinois to serve as its District Governor in 2022-23
  • We are getting ever closer to our annual GRSP Leadership Weekend - January 17-19. We still have two or three hosting opportunities open for the upcoming GRSP Leadership Weekend, along with other opportunities to help out over the weekend and spend some time with this year's GRSP class. Host families provide breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, and transportation to and from weekend events on Friday night and Saturday. There will be three dinners for the students and their weekend hosts on Saturday night. Contact Jackie Cuthbert if you would like to host - she is in the process of matching students to weekend families. Contact Louise Barden to find out about other volunteer opportunities for the weekend.

This Week's Speaker
Sally Platt, Community Needs Asssessment

Sally Platt will be working with a team from the Rotary Club of Dunwoody to help us conduct a community needs assessment.

Sally is a second-generation Rotarian and a member of the Rotary Club of Marietta Metro (D-6900).Her classification is Nursing – Pediatrics. She has been a Rotarian for 28 years. She served as President of her club in 2004-05, after having held several other officer and director positions. She received her club’s Rotarian of the Year award in 2002 and, as club president, received the District 6900 Sheffield Leadership Award. [more]

Congratulations Laura K. Kann
Laura K. Kann named Rotary District 6420 Governor Nominee 2022-23

Laura Kann, past president and honorary member of the Rotary Club of Dunwoody, Georgia, has been selected to serve as Governor of Rotary International District 6420 in 2022-23.

Laura began her Rotary journey when she joined the Rotary Club of Dunwoody on September 24, 2004, having been proposed and sponsored by Marion Bunch. She resigned from the Club on June 30, 2018. The Rotary Club of Dunwoody elected Laura to honorary membership in 2018. Highlights from Laura’s tenure as a Dunwoody Rotarian will be published in an upcoming newsletter as an “Honorary Member Spotlight.”

Laura is now a very active member of the Rotary Club of Princeton, Illinois which she joined July 1, 2018. The Princeton Club is celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2020. Laura serves on the Board of Directors and is also chair of the annual Rotary Auction for the club’s centennial year in 2020. In addition, she serves on the 100th Anniversary Committee, the Community Service Committee, and the Rotary Foundation Committee.

At the District level, Laura serves District 6420 as the District Grant Subcommittee Chair. In that role she is conducting three annual District Grant Management Training Seminars for Club Officers throughout the District. She also was a speaker at the 2019 District 6420 Conference and the 2019 District 6420 Foundation Dinner and speaks to Clubs about a wide range of Rotary Foundation topics.

Both Laura and her husband Charles (Wick) Warren worked for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).Upon Wick’s retirement in December 2014, they moved from Decatur, Georgia to Princeton, Illinois to be near Laura’s mother and father. Soon after moving to Princeton in November 2014, Laura’s father, Douglas Kann, passed away in March of 2015.Douglas was a member of the Rotary Club of Princeton for over 40 years. Her mother, Lucille Kann, is now 88 years young.

Living in Princeton, Laura continued her service responsibilities for the Dunwoody Club and Rotary District 6900. She also continued working for the CDC, making monthly trips to Atlanta, until her retirement in August 2017.


Laura’s leadership traits of inner light, inner vision, inner strength and her compassionate heart for self and others will all be treasures for success as her Rotary journey continues. Please join us in saying congratulations Laura.

Prepared and Posted by Kathy Brandt and Bill Mulkey

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