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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

November 13, 2019


November is Rotary Foundation Month

11/15 No meeting
11/22 Club Assembly
11/29 No meeting - Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend!
12/6 Sandy Thurman, US Department of State - Commemoration of World AIDS Day

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Fred Brandt
11/3 Jessie Legros
11/11 Roy Ethridge
11/16 Jennie Stipick
11/18 Ray Huebschmann
11/18 Jennifer Bowler
11/19 Jennie Springer
11/26 Dottie Toney


11/24 Bill Mulkey (63)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

No Meeting This Week
Some Ideas for Using Your Extra Time ...

We will have no meeting this Friday, November 15. We do some ideas for how you could use your extra time:

  1. Shop for Toys for Tots. We will gather toys for our annual toy drive at the Dunwoody Holiday Luncheon on December 13. See the article below.
  2. Mark your calendar and plan on joining us next Thursday, November 21 for our monthly Thirsty Thursday gathering at Marlowe's Tavern at Dunwoody Village. Join your Dunwoody Family of Rotary from 5:30 to 7:00 pm
  3. Join us next Friday for a Club Assembly at Fleming's - celebrating all the work we're doing in the community
  4. Mark your calendar for special December events. On the 6th we will have an amazing speaker - Sandy Thurman, former AIDS Czar in the Clinton White House. Following the meeting, we'll stay at Fleming's to prepare books for Dresden and Kingsley Elementary School students. Then December 13, we'll gather at the Dunwoody Country Club for our Annual Holiday Luncheon.
  5. Consider being a weekend host family for Dunwoody's January GRSP Leadership weekend - or getting involved in the weekend in some other way. Planning is underway for this January 17-19, 2020 event. Read the article below for more about what it means to be a host family.

Service Opportunity
Join in the 70+ Year Toys for Tots Tradition!

Did you know that Toys for Tots Toys for Tots began in 1947 as the brain child of Marine Corps Reserve Major Bill Hendricks? Actually it was his wife, Diane, who was the real inspiration. She had crafted a few handcrafted dolls and asked Bill to deliver them to an agency that supports children in need. When Bill reported back to his wife that he could not find such an organization, she instructed him to “start one!”. Maj Hendricks and the Marines in his reserve unit in LA collected and distributed 5,000 toys that year. Today, the Marine Toys for Tots Program distributes an average of 18 million toys to 7 million less fortunate children annually.

For many years, Dunwoody Rotarians have been very generous in supporting local Marines in their Toys for Tots Drive. We are asking you to continue that generosity this year - and bring your gifts of toys, bikes and games to the Holiday luncheon on December 13! It's not too early to start shopping. Start taking advantage of the holiday shopping specials now to help us donate even more and make this holiday season the best yet for needy local youth!

I've already checked out the offerings at Costco and encourage you to do the same. There are some great gifts to be purchased there.

Service Opportunity
Welcome the GRSP World to Atlanta in January

From January 17-19, 2020, Dunwoody will join with the Rotary Clubs of Gainesville and Metro Atlanta, and the Rotaract Club of Atlanta Metro to host the GRSP Leadership Conference. This is a 15+ year Dunwoody Rotary tradition, and we expect to have nearly all of the 40 students in this year's class with us for the weekend. There are a variety of ways you can help - at this point our #1 focus is on recruiting host families for the weekend.

As a host family you would provide:

  • housing on Friday and Saturday night
  • breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings
  • transportation that includes pick-up Friday night, delivery to Oglethorpe on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and pick-up Saturday from Oglethorpe

You are also invited to participate in a group dinner at one of our Dunwoody Rotarian’s home with your students on Saturday night - and to join us for any part of the weekend you'd like to attend. More details to follow, but take time now to consider the opportunity. If you would like to volunteer as a host, contact Jackie Cuthbert at 770-597-1183 or by email at cuthbert@mindspring.com

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